My Doll House Miniature Projects

My Doll House Miniature Projects
My Doll House Miniature Projects

Sunday, October 23, 2011

What I made for my daughter

My daughter Kim led worship at church for the first time
so this is a gift I made for her!

The songs are her favorites!

Monday, October 17, 2011

*Best answer for the photo format*

If you’d like to disable Lightbox on your blog, log in to Blogger and select “No” next to Lightbox in the Settings | Posts and Comments section (new interface) or the Settings | Formatting section (old interface).

It works like it used to now!! I gothis answer from blogger!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blogger's picture problem SOLVED!!

SOLVED!! I saw that there is a small link on the left side when you click on the picture click on it!! The BIG picture comes up!!! yeah!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

I don't like blogger's picture format!!!!

I don't like the new way the pictures are shown when you click on them.
We used to get nice big details iin the pictures. I wish they would change it back.
What do you think of it?