I am a born again Christian.
I love the Lord Jesus and grateful that He loves me and saved me 54 years ago. I am active in my church and have been married to a wonderful caring man for 53
years! God has blessed me with a wonderful family- a son and a daughter both married serving the Lord and now 7 lovely grandkids. God is good!
In my hobby world ( see the side bar to the blogs) and now my newest hobby, Cricut I have been very inspired by many talented people online and in my groups and RL group that my interest in miniatures and Cricut has grown even more. What a wonderful hobby this is and I have found new wonderful friends in real life and world wide! Loving life here in USA, in Western N.Y.
Elephant Table with Clay top
I thought an elephant table would be perfect for my castle, and I've had
this old elephant for decades, so I just added a table top of clay!
More projects
As I progressed with telling the story of my dollhouse family, I strived
for more realism. One of the things was to dress the dolls in clothes
rather that...
It's been awhile!
My life has gotten so busy and not much fun lately. And I have purchased
zero new dolls in two years! Yikes! And hardly any craft time. But
hopefully ...
Tiny Village news for 2018
It has been nearly a year since I updated this blog. I suppose if the Tiny
Village had a yearly newsletter it would state that no new houses were
built in...
Putting Flagstone on Addition Foundation
First I painted the foundation gray, to look like grout. I think I should
have used a darker gray. Too late now.
I cut the faux stone out of paper mac...
Easter in the Farmhouse
I've had so much fun making things and decorating the farmhouse for Easter.
My fabulously talented friend Kim Saulter made the beautiful rose topped
Too long.....
*Hello everyone,*
It is way too long since I've posted here, I am deeply ashamed!
Meanwhile I, despite all the bustle of work, housework and volunteer work...
I found a gold candle holder at Eclectics antique shop in Landrum on
Highway 14 and decided to make a stand for a Phoenix for the Gothic
mansion. I used 1/...
Just to let you all know, that I've been adding lots more new Miniature
Links to this page.
As there are now hundreds of Mini sellers on Ebay & Etsy...
Un año más nos reencontramos con el calendario. Este año he decidido probar
de hacer unos cuadernos que siempre me han gustado, los de espiral
Vamos a nec...
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